Thursday 22 September 2011

kylie analysis

Kylie Minouge first started out through the TV Series Neighbours, the reason why she was so popular was that she played a role as a woman mechanic which previously was un herd of. She then progressed to music where she carried on being a bubble gum pop, girl next door with her 1988 cover of ‘ The Locomotion ‘ which she had fluffed hair, not much make-up, she also has many bright colours in her set where she is part of the 80’s trend of vivid leotards. Through this the record label made her every grils envy and every boys dream girl. Also in this music video she has a direct mode of address to the camera which is showing she is aware of being watched.

As Kylie moved through time she began to change her image to the public through her videos as her record company also started to make her sexualised. Her legendary come back video in 1998 ‘Spinning Around’ was made popular by her through her choice of wardrobe, the ‘infamous’ hot pants, these pants caused a big stir among the public as she was an ‘older’ woman and people was shocked that she had dressed that way, as she was known as the bubble gum pop girl. In this video kylie is wearing a vast load of make up with bold colours like a red top. She also has extreme body language as she is laying on a bar lifting her legs up in the air, which confirmed that she now had a male audience where as in her earlier career she was aiming at female based viewers. Also the camera movement uses a lot of high angles to make her look more vulnerable, and she was not previously known as that. Also there are close ups of her body parts like legs and bottom, which makes her known as a sex symbol. The editing in this video uses slow motion to give the male audience time to look at her fully.  Kylie’s motif’s were when she first began her career she was a soap star, singer and cute. But now she is associated with hot pants and a sex symbol. 

Still evolving through her music, Kylie in 2010 made a song ‘ Get Out of My Way’ relies on editing to make an ‘alternative world’ where everything is new pop genre and editing makes the video more enjoyable. Also in her video she has many male dancers around her wearing hardly any clothes and showing there abs. when Kylie did her come back song ‘Spinning around’ she looked sexualised, but now she looks classy but still sexualised in a way. She still is wearing revealing dresses like in her new video she is wearing a low black sparkle dress but unlike her ‘spinning around’ video she is not wearing too bold colours or outstanding make up. Here she is wearing natural make up and wearing clothes that compliment her age. Although her record company are still using high angle shots in cinematography to make her look passive and vulnerable. Even though there are still some close up shots of her body parts like legs, there are more close up shots of her face, which tones down how sexualised she was known as before. She also goes back to wearing gold half way through her video with cleavage on show, her body movements are still sexualised as she is grabbing the top of her dress where her breast are. Before when Kylie only wore two outfits in her earlier videos she now wears a total of four outfits, and the last two outfits she wears are what most people would presume to bold for her age, as one of her costumes are a red jacket that only covers her bottom until she raises her arms, which she does. Not only is she wearing a red the colour of passion but also shows her underwear and a quick close up of her bottom. This relates to her previous video ‘spinning around’ as she was iconic through wearing something so bold and here looks like she is trying to achieve again. And previously the setting of her videos were in her house or on the streets but lately there in a club or in an imaginative world or somewhere where a woman can dress up in hardly any clothes. Also according to Laura Mulvey a British Feminist Film theorist, women were there to be looked at, but Kylie, being a star performer, she wanted to be looked at as this was how she gained her male audience.

Kylie has changed so much over three decades through her costume from being bubbly and casual to bold and sexualised and relying on editing.